The presentsare from the Vietnam Fatherland Front of Hanoi and the Hanoi Union ofFriendship Organisations.
The foreignstudents are from different countries including Laos, Mozambique, Angola, Japanand Cambodia.
Each set ofpresents included 500,000 VND (22 USD), and other necessary items such asrice, cooking oil, cookies, fish sauce and face masks worth a total 350,000 VND.
The gifts areamong 270 sets of gifts from the Vietnam Fatherland Front of Hanoi given toforeigners living and studying in the capital and in difficulties dueto COVID-19.
Thegifts are worth 229.5 million VND in total.
Speaking atthe giving ceremony, Chairwoman of the city’s Vietnnam Fatherland Front NguyenLan Huong said that supporting foreign students in Hanoi would help them feelsecure and agree with local residents in fighting and preventing thepandemic.
They weresmall gifts, but a great source of encouragement and showed local people’saffection for foreign students and international friends, she said.
Huong saidthat with determination of all the political system, agreement of localresidents and support from international friends, Hanoi would soon control thepandemic and return to normal.
BoreyKoemseang, a Cambodian, said that with love and care from local residents,foreign students at the Vietnam National University of Agriculturehad received much valuable encouragement and support.
Foreignstudents promised to fulfill their studying for a brighter future andcontribute to good relationships between Việt Nam and other countries.
Earlier, fromSeptember 1 to 3, Hanoi authorities also gave gifts to more than 70foreigners living in Hoan Kiem and Tay Ho districts.
The capitalcity will continue to support foreigners in difficulties due tothe pandemic./.