HCM City fosters trade ties with RoK locality

Ho Chi Minh City pledges to offer incentives for investors from the Republic of Korea (RoK) in trade and tourism in the city.
HCM City fosters trade ties with RoK locality ảnh 1Ho Chi Minh City Party’s Committee Le Thanh Hai (R) receives Major of Busan Suh Byung Soo (Photo: VNA)

Ho Chi Minh City pledges to offer incentives for investors from the Republic of Korea (RoK) in trade and tourism in the city.

Secretary of the municipal Party’s Committee Le Thanh Hai made the statement during a reception on July 24 for Major of Busan Suh Byung Soo who was in the city to attend a number of activities marking the 20th anniversary of twining ties between the two cities.

The Busan 2015 Day, one of the activities to mark the event, was expected to strengthen the deep cooperative ties between the two localities as well as the mutual understanding between their residents, Hai said.

Hai highlighted the increasing investments from Busan as well as other RoK localities in the city, and saying that their effective operation has made significant contributions to both cities’ development.

For his part, Suh Byung Soo expressed his impression with the significant development the city has made over the past years.

He expressed belief that the two cities would further promote comprehensive cooperation and friendship, thus consolidating the two countries’ relations.

On the occasion, a series of cultural and art activities were arranged during the “Busan Day 2015” with the performance of both Vietnamese and Korean artists.

The local authorities presented insignia and certificates of merits to four Busan individuals for their outstanding contributions to fostering friendship between the two cities.-VNA


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