HCM City gov’t office building to open to tourists during upcoming national holidays

Vietnamese and foreign tourists can sightsee offices of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee and People’s Council, a national-level architectural and artistic complex, during the upcoming National Day holidays.
HCM City gov’t office building to open to tourists during upcoming national holidays ảnh 1The headquarters of the HCM City People’s Council and People’s Committee in District 1 (Source: tuoitre.vn)
HCM City (VNA) - Vietnamese and foreign tourists can sightsee offices of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee and People’s Council, a national-level architectural and artistic complex, during the upcoming National Day holidays.

They will be open to visitors on September 1 and 2.

Chief of the People's Committee Office Dang Quoc Toan said further that they would be open for sightseeing on the last Saturday and Sunday of every month.

The building was first opened to visitors this year during the National Reunification (April 30) and May Day (May 1) holidays, and attracted 1,500 people, who could only previously admire it from outside.

Visitors can see the main lobby, international reception room on the ground floor, second floor, a meeting room, and the balcony and the architectural highlights, artistic design and functionality of the complex during an hour-long tour.

It is aimed at projecting a friendly and open image of the city and showcasing its history.

Located at 86 Le Thanh Ton street in District 1, the People's Committee and People’s Council building was built in 1909 based on designs by French architect Femand Gardès modeled on bell towers in northern France.

Sculptor Louis - Lucien Ruffier was in charge of the exterior architecture.

During the French colonial period, the building was called Hotel de ville, and it became the seat of administration and legislature in 1975.

It was recognised as a national-level architectural and artistic monument in 2020./.

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