HCM City (VNA) – HCM City andChampassak province of Laos shared experience in operating people’s councilsduring a meeting between Chairwoman of the HCM City People’s Council Nguyen ThiQuyet Tam and her Champassak counterpart Meksa Vanh Phomphithat in the city onSeptember 25.
Speaking at the meeting, Tam reiterated thelong-standing relations and solidarity between people of Vietnam and Laos. Thebilateral cooperation has been growing for years, becoming more effective atboth national and local levels.
This includes close ties between HCM Cityand Champassak, she affirmed. The experience sharing in people’s council workwill contribute to the development of the two localities, she stated.

HCM City and Champasak have together takenpart in many events to celebrate the two nations’ 55th anniversaryof diplomatic ties and the 40th year of the signing of theVietnam-Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, said Phomphithat. The twolocalities have also worked to strengthen relations between their governmentsand people, he noted.
The Lao official hoped that HCM City willshare experience with Champassak in people’s council work and help the provinceimprove the capacity of its government.
The two sides discussed their practices inmanaging people’s councils, communicating with people and informing them aboutresults of the council conferences, implementing regulations and supervision,and training human resources.-VNA