Accordingto the Department of Industry and Trade, the city’s index of industrialproduction (IIP) grew by 6 percent in the first two months of the year, despitea fall of 24.6 percent in February as business establishments closed for theLunar New Year.
Therecovery in industrial production, retail sales and import-export activitieshas been due to the Government’s effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic andprogrammes to revive the economy, said Bui Ta Hoang Vu, the department’sdirector.
Thedepartment has also implemented programmes to support enterprises, stimulateconsumption, connect producers and distributors, stabilise the market, andensure consumer demand is fully met, he said.
Toensure the revival continues, the department will organise more trade promotionprogrammes, make efforts to connect suppliers and distributors of goods andenhance supply chain linkages in supporting industries.
Itwill continue a programme that connects businesses with banks and enables themto get preferential loans.
Itwill recommend measures to support firms involved in the city’s key industrialproducts in 2021-2025 and those whose products have won the HCM City Gold BrandAwards.
Implementingthe annual market stabilisation programme and trade promotions to helpbusinesses expand their share of the domestic market is also in thedepartment’s plans this year, as is working closely with business groups topromptly mitigate difficulties faced by their members.
Thismonth the department organised a meeting between businesses and the cityadministration to discuss the former’s problems and solutions.
Itis implementing a programme to promote rapid growth of the city’s key economicsectors that have high added-value, supporting industries and four keyindustrial sectors in 2021-2025.
Theprogramme also seeks to help develop the city into the country and region’smain shopping hub, and improve its services infrastructure to ensure it retainsits position as the main centre for port operations, logistics and exportservices in the south.
Ithas urged the People's Committee to help expand a centre for displaying thecity’s major supporting industrial products so that small and medium-sizedenterprises can introduce their products and production capacity to local andforeign partners.
Itsaid the expansion of the centre would facilitate regular interaction betweensellers and buyers of supporting industry products, making it easier forforeign investors to access the Vietnamese supply chain, helping promote thecountry’s supporting industries.
Italso urged the People’s Committee to seek approval from the People's Counciland pass regulations on loan interest support for the investment stimulusprogramme.
Businessesare very keen to participate in the city's investment stimulus programme, especiallythose in the supporting sectors, according to the department./.