HCM City to suffer labour shortage

HCM City will need to employ about 265,000 labourers next year, according to the Centre for Labour Market Information and Human Resource Forecast.
HCM City will need to employ about 265,000 labourers next year, according to the Centre for Labour Market Information and Human Resource Forecast.

Of this figure, the demand for manual workers accounts for 45 percent; employees with university degrees, 20 percent; and employees with vocational training, 35 percent.

Tran Anh Tuan, deputy director of the centre, said intensive-labour industries include electronics, mechanics, garment and textile, leather shoes, marketing, finance, banking, fine arts, architecture, and construction.

A shortage at labour-intensive companies is expected during the first quarter of 2011, especially after Tet (Lunar New Year), when workers return home for the holiday and often do not go back to work.

He said the labour shortage would be even more serious than last year due to inflation, and the low salaries at industrial zones and export processing zones. Workers have found it difficult to cope with many price hikes on food and other products./.

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