Real estate attracted most of the sum, 145.1million USD or 43 percent of the total. It was followed by science - technology(57.5 million USD, 17 percent) and processing - manufacturing industry (41million USD, 12.1 percent), the municipal Department of Planning and Investmentsaid.
The southern economic hub lured only three newforeign investment projects worth 115 million USD in January and February, itsaid, citing complex developments of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world asthe reason.
Up to 99.7 percent of the new capital waschanneled into real estate, with 29.6 percent from Singapore and 70.1 percentfrom the Netherlands.
From the year’s beginning to February 20, HCMCity saw 22 existing projects have 53.3 million USD added to their registeredcapital.
Foreign investors also spent 169.5 million USDon capital contributions to or share purchase in local firms during the time,data showed./.