The HCM City : 100 Exciting Thingscampaign aims to recognise and promote the city's outstanding culturalvalues and prominent tourism products and services.
Thecampaign is being launched after six months of preparations thatincluded consulting with experts in many fields including travel,culture, history and cuisine. Its advisory board gathered andshort-listed 218 "candidates" that people will vote on to decide thefinal list of 100 things.
The "candidates" are categorisedunder 20 groups, which include luxury hotels, business hotels, touristrestaurants, exhibition-conference centres, travel tours, tourismevents, health and beauty care, by-night entertainment locations,sightseeing locations, artistic, cultural and historic vestiges,transport companies, art performance locations, Southern delicacies,varieties of fruit, architecture, museums, markets, coffee shops,shopping centres and souvenir products.
Local andinternational tourists can vote on these "things" between June 14 andJuly 30 at,,, and
Besides the online voting, 2,500 ballot papers for each category will besent to experts in the mail, and distributed to tourists via travelcompanies.-VNA