HCMCity (VNA) – New Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party CommitteeNguyen Van Nen has pledged to strive to take responsibility for the municipalParty Organisation and the country.
Duringa press conference on October 18 announcing the result of the 11th Congressof the municipal Party Organisation for the 2020-2025 tenure, Nen wished thatpress agencies will continue partnering with the city to bring the Resolutionadopted by the 11th Congress into life in the most effective manner.
He alsoattributed the past achievements to efforts by the municipal PartyOrganisation, collectives and people and support from higher authorities.
Aboutsupervision on the Party and State activities, Politburo member Nguyen ThienNhan in charge of the municipal Party Organisation said the city has collectedover 8,700 feedback and dealt with over 96 percent of them over the past twoyears. Ten Party members are disciplined on average each month, and moredrastic actions will be taken in the future.
On theestablishment of Thu Duc city and the Eastern innovative urban area, ViceSecretary of the municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the municipal People’sCommittee Nguyen Thanh Phong said the city has come up with a plan to hold a designcompetition for the innovative urban area covering Districts 9, 2 and Thu Duc,with eight centres on the back of existing advantages. It is also working todevelop Thu Duc city for the future.
Asregards construction of the Thu Thiem new urban area, Phong said the 51st meeting of the 10th municipal Party Organisation adopted aResolution on building Thu Thiem new urban area before 2030, in which it setthe goal of completing compensation and support for relocated residents beforeJune 2021./.