Health ministry guides H7N9 bird flu treatment

The Public Health Ministry on April 10 issued a guidance on diagnosing, treating and preventing the spread of avian influenza H7N9 in humans.
The Public Health Ministry on April 10 issued a guidance on diagnosing, treating and preventing the spread of avian influenza H7N9 in humans.

Accordingly, all State and private medical facilities are requested to take stringent preventive measures to control bacterial contamination and provide timely check-ups and isolation for suspected cases.

At the same time, the mass media must increase educational campaigns to raise public awareness of the disease’s harmful effects and discourage trade, transport, slaughter and use of poultry products which have yet been quarantined.

The ministry recommends that people take labour protection measures, wash hands by soap after having contact with poultry and avoid contact with those suffering from acute respiratory diseases.

Those develop symptom of acute respiratory tract infection like high temperatures, cough, breath difficulty must go to hospital for timely diagnosis, treatment and isolation.

For treatment of the disease, the health ministry recommend early use of anti-virus drugs such as Oseltamivir or Zanamivir, coupled with respiratory recuperation and treatment for multi-organ failure if necessary.

According to the ministry, H7N9 virus is a new strain whose genes are traceable to flu virus in poultry and a number of wild birds. The deadly virus leads to serious pneumonia in humans, even death. There has been no sign of human-to-human transmission by far.-VNA

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