At a reception on August 22 for OV delegates to the 2018 Programme of ConnectingVietnam Innovation Network, Chairman of HCM City People’sCommittee Nguyen Thanh Phong said the country always needs the cooperation andcontribution of the community of Vietnamese intellectuals abroad, especially talentedand enthusiastic young experts.
The delegates took the occasion to propose their ideas to help the cityin applying genetic technology in medicine and managing the health care system;addressing traffic congestions; treating waste and protecting the environment; buildingdatabases and e-government; and working towards a smart city.
They affirmed their willingness to cooperate with the city and otherlocalities in the country, advocating the building of an ecological system forinnovation and creativity, thus facilitating the connectivity among Vietnameseintellectuals worldwide.
Minister of Planning and Investment pledged that the Government,ministries and other managerial agencies will study the proposed ideas for thepromulgation of suitable legal framework, strategy and institutions in order tobuild the ecological system for innovation and creativity.
The Programme of Connecting Vietnam Innovation Network 2018 was launchedin Hanoi on August 19. It brought together hundreds of overseas Vietnamese anddomestic scientists for the exchange and sharing of visions as well asstrategies for scientific and technological development in the sectors thatVietnam needs to accelerate in the coming time.
The event was jointly held by the Ministry of Planning and Investment,the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, andthe Ministry of Education and Training -VNA