Hong Kong, Singapore announce plan for 'travel bubble'

Hong Kong (China) and Singapore on October 15 said they had agreed "in principle" to set up a bubble allowing residents to travel freely between the two financial hubs as long as they test negative for the coronavirus.
Hong Kong, Singapore announce plan for 'travel bubble' ảnh 1Singapore. File photo: Pixabay.

Hanoi (VNA) -
Hong Kong (China) and Singapore on October 15 said they had agreed "in principle" to set up a bubble allowing residents to travel freely between the two financial hubs as long as they test negative for the coronavirus.

The two sides released a joint statement announcing the deal, which they said would be implemented within several weeks.

The joint statement said there would be no limit on what type of travel will be allowed between Hong Kong and Singapore meaning tourists will be as welcome as business travellers.

Those travelling between the two hubs will need to have a negative coronavirus test result and travel on dedicated planes.

They will not need to quarantine for a period of time on arrival. No transit passengers will be allowed on board the "travel bubble" flights.

Both governments are committed to fleshing out the full details of the (travel bubble) in the coming weeks and look forward to the resumption of travel between the two sides, with the necessary safeguards in place to ensure that public health concerns of both sides are addressed, the joint statement said./.

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