Hotline launched for Vietnamese nationals in Czech Republic

All Vietnamese nationals in the Czech Republic, who face difficulties in consular and citizen protection issues, now can dial 792 392 299 for consultancy and support.
All Vietnamese nationals in the Czech Republic, who face difficulties in consular and citizen protection issues, now can dial 792 392 299 for consultancy and support.

The hotline was announced at a seminar held in Prague on June 6 to tighten coordination between the Vietnamese Embassy and the Overseas Vietnamese Association in the Czech Republic.

After hearing recommendations and opinions of the Vietnamese community’s representatives, Head of the embassy’s Consular Division Le Quoc Tuan said that in the time ahead, the division will make efforts to improve the staff’s attitude, and simplify administrative procedures.

It also pledged to intensify information sharing between the embassy and the Overseas Vietnamese Association, while using more communication channels to receive and clear up Vietnamese citizens’ queries.-VNA

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