Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists

Within the first five days of the Lunar New Year 2020, Huong Son – Perfume (Huong) pagoda relic complex in Hanoi’s outlying district of My Duc welcomed some 150,000 tourist arrivals.
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 1Many Vietnamese consider a visit to Huong Pagoda a spiritual journey to the Buddhist land (Photo: VNA)
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 2Huong Pagoda Festival kicks off on the sixth day of the lunar new year annually (Photo: VNA)
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 3Even before the festival, pilgrims and tourists flock to the pagoda to pray for luck (Photo: VNA)
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 4Built in the late 17th century, the Huong Pagoda Complex has a large number of pagodas, temples and caverns filled with marvelous stalactites and stalagmites (Photo: VNA)
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 5Prior to the festival, Huong Pagoda Complex welcomed more than 150,000 visitors (Photo: VNA)
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 6Aside from its religious significance, Huong Pagoda Complex holds special values in terms of ecosystem, landscape, architecture and history (Photo: VNA)
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 7The Huong Son complex was listed among national special relic sites in December 2017 (Photo: VNA)
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 8It draws millions of visitors every year (Photo: VNA)
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 9The complex was built under the reign of King Le Thanh Tong (1442 – 1497) (Photo: VNA)
Huong pagoda welcomes flocks of tourists ảnh 10It was destroyed by French colonialists but has been rebuilt with the support of the State, local residents and visitors (Photo: VNA)

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