HUST wins big at Canon Student Chie-Tech 2021

The CIM Light team from the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) won the first prize worth 30 million VND (1,300 USD) at the final round of 2021 Canon Student Chie-Tech competition, an automation contest for technology students.
HUST wins big at Canon Student Chie-Tech 2021 ảnh 1At the event (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The CIM Light team from the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) won the first prize worth 30 million VND (1,300 USD) at the final round of 2021 Canon Student Chie-Tech competition, an automation contest for technology students.

In particular, BK JP and NF404 teams from HUST also grabbed second prizes, each worth 20 million VND.

The EPU TMT team from the Electric Power University, MEET 1-TNUT team from the Thai Nguyen University of Technology and the CDDT3-PKA from Phenikaa University earned third prizes, each valued at 10 million VND.

Thirteen teams in the final round received certificates of merit from the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

Launched for the first time in 2019, the event drew 97 teams and universities and colleges across the north this year./. 


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