Accent continued to be the best-seller with 2,752 units (rising 63.2%),followed by Creta (1,953 units), Tucson (1,147) and Grand i10 (1,135).Particularly, Venue, the latest model of Hyundai TC which was introduced onDecember 16, had impressive sales of 180 vehicles.
Total sales of Hyundai-branded models in 2023 were 67,450 units.
TC Group expects better domestic auto market in 2024 on the back of theGovernment’s support policies and easing global crisis.
2023 was a challenging year for the Vietnameseautomobile market as sales fell 25% year-on-year despite a 50% cut in theregistration fee from July 1, according to the Vietnam Automobile ManufacturersAssociation (VAMA).
The VAMA said its members sold only 301,989 vehicles in theyear, with the sales of domestically-assembled automobiles declining 20% to181,380 units, and the number of imported completely built-up autos dropping32% to 120,609.
Experts blamed economic headwinds caused by the COVID-19pandemic and unprecedented socio-political developments across the globe overthe past time./.