The International Literacy Day is observed on September 8every year.
In Vietnam, the literacy rates at Level 1 (completing Phase 1of the illiteracy eradication programme and engaging in continuing educationafter acquiring literacy skills) and Level 2 (completing Phase 2 of theilliteracy eradication programme and engaging in continuing education after acquiring the skills) amongpeople aged 15 - 60 currently stand at 98.85% and 97.29%, respectively.
All the 63 provincial-level localities nationwide havereached Level 1 of illiteracy elimination while 48 of them (76.19%) reachedLevel 2. Four provinces achieved Level 2 in the 2022 - 2023 academic year,namely Phu Yen, Kien Giang, Soc Trang, and Quang Nam.
Meanwhile, more than 1 million people aged 15 - 60 remainilliterate at Level 1 and over 2 million others illiterate at Level 2, mostlyethnic minority people and women.
Some localitiesstill record high illiteracy rates such as Ninh Thuan (10.52%), An Giang (7.3%),Lai Chau (6.11%), Ho Chi Minh City (6.45%), Ha Giang (4.58%), Gia Lai (4.49%),Bac Kan (4.45%), and Binh Phuoc (3.66%).
During the last academic year, more than 32,000people were enrolled in illiteracy eradication classes, rising over 12,000 fromthe 2021 - 2022 school year. That helped the country sustain its achievementsin this regard, according to provincial-level departments of education and training.
The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) reported thatto sustain the achievements and help more localities meet Level 2 of illiteracyeradication, during the last school year, authorities of many provinces and citiesordered community learning centres and primary schools to encourage thoseunable to read or write to enroll in illiteracy eradication classes, includingHa Giang (5,897 persons), Lai Chau (5,176), Lao Cai (2,325), Yen Bai (2,088),and Son La (2,303).

Some education departments have also properlycarried out communications about illiteracy eradication in the public,especially ethnic minority areas.
As a result, achievements have been maintainedsustainably and seen more progress, the MoET noted.
For the 2023 - 2024 school year, one of the focaltasks the MoET has assigned to continuing education agencies is to push ahead theelimination of illiteracy.
To improve people’s educational level to help withpoverty reduction, the MoET said, it is necessary to boost assistance andprovide favourable conditions for vulnerable groups, those out of the workingage, homemakers, and the disabled to practice lifelong learning. Examples ofolder persons who are in their 60s, 70s or even 80s should be popularised toencourage lifelong learning in society.
The MoET has launched a movement for the 2023 -2030 period that calls for the entire country’s joint efforts in building alearning society and promoting lifelong learning. The programme aims to helpincrease the whole political system’s participation in raising public awarenessof lifelong learning and a learning society, thus contributing to thedevelopment of human resources amid the Fourth Industrial Revolution andinternational integration./.