Indonesia: Bridge collapse in Bali kills at least nine

Jakarta (VNA) – A bridge in the resort island of Bali in Indonesia collaged on the evening of October 16, taking the lives of at least nine people and injuring 34 others.
Indonesia: Bridge collapse in Bali kills at least nine ảnh 1The "Yellow Bridge" connecting Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan collapsed on October 16 (Source: Reuters/VNA)

Jakarta (VNA) – A bridge in the resort island of Bali in Indonesia collaged on the evening of October 16, taking the lives of at least nine people and injuring 34 others.

According to head of the Bali Search and Rescue Office Didi Hanzar, the small suspension bridge, linking the small islands of Lembongan and Ceningan off of Bali, was crowded with people returning from temple prayers and collapsed at 19:30 (local time).

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, a spokesman for the National Disaster Mitigation Agency, said all injured people were taken to hospital for treatment and search and rescue forces were trying to determine how many people went missing.

The bridge was about 100 meters long and 1.5 meters wide and used only by pedestrians and motorcyclists. It collapsed as many people were passing over it from their way back after attending prayers at a temple on Ceningan island.-VNA


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