Indonesia continue reshuffling cabinet

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has appointed a new information and communications (Kominfo) minister as well as a number of senior government positions in a recent cabinet reshuffle.
Indonesia continue reshuffling cabinet ảnh 1Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Photo: AFP/VNA)
Jakatar (VNA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo has appointed a new information and communications (Kominfo) minister as well as a number of senior government positions in a recent cabinet reshuffle.

Budi Arie Setiadi, a deputy minister for villages, becomes Kominfo minister, relacing Johnny G. Plate, who is now under investigation for corruption.

As reported by The Straits Times, as part of the reshuffle, Nezar Patria – a co-founder of Jakarta-based news portal and an editor at The Jakarta Post – was appointed deputy communications and information minister.

Filling Budi’s old position is Professor Paiman Raharjo, rector of the Jakarta-based Moestopo Beragama University, who is also an adviser in a state-owned gas company.

Meanwhile, the President reassigned Pahala Nugraha Mansury, who previously served as deputy minister of state-owned enterprises (SOE), as the new deputy minister for foreign affairs. Rosan Roeslani, Indonesian Ambassador to the US, is filling Pahala’s old post./.

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