Jakarta (VNA) – The National LogisticsAgency of Indonesia (Bulog) recently signed a contract for the import of 1million tonnes of rice, as part of an additional quota of 1.5 million tonnesallocated from Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan and Myanmar.
Mokhamad Suyamto, Director of Supply Chain and Public Servicesat Bulog, said this supplementary import aims to strengthen the government'srice stockpile until 2024, adding that Bulog will import rice from any countrythat meets the required standards.
According to him, Bulog currently manages arice stockpile of 1.45 million tonnes, which will increase to meet distributionneeds for the coming year and maintain the stability of domestic rice.
Since early this year, Bulog has distributed a total of885,000 tonnes of rice to stabilise the market, and 641,000 tonnes of rice aspart of the food aid programme for the poor across the country during September-November./.