Indonesia initiates ASEAN Declaration on food security

The Indonesian government has initiated the drafting of a declaration by leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the threat of a food crisis to strengthen strategic cooperation for all stakeholders in building mechanisms to strengthen food security, regional supply chains and sustainable agriculture.
Indonesia initiates ASEAN Declaration on food security ảnh 1Rice on sale in a supermarket in Thailand. (Photo: AFP/VNA)
Jakarta (VNA) -  The Indonesian government has initiated the drafting of a declaration by leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the threat of a food crisis to strengthen strategic cooperation for all stakeholders in building mechanisms to strengthen food security, regional supply chains and sustainable agriculture.

Speaking at the ASEAN Conference on strengthening food security, which was held virtually on April 17, Kasdi Subagyono, Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that current global challenges drive ASEAN to take immediate actions, in the short, medium and long term, to accelerate and strengthen the food system, ensuring that it is efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable.

Indonesia believes that ASEAN countries need stronger commitments to quickly respond to potential risks from the regional food crisis, he added.

According to Kasdi, the declaration will likely contribute to unifying the roles of related industries including food, economy, transportation and finance. This will create solid cooperation and synergy to tackle common challenges, he said, adding that the declaration is expected to be made at the 43rd ASEAN Summit in September this year.
The ASEAN Conference on strengthening food security drew the participation of stakeholders not only from ASEAN member countries but also from its dialogue partners, international organisations and research institutes./.

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