Indonesia: Over 500 climbers rescued after earthquake

At least 543 hikers and their guides have been evacuated from a mountain in a tourist destination of Lombok Island of central Indonesia after a strong quake cut off routes, local authorities said.
Indonesia: Over 500 climbers rescued after earthquake ảnh 1\Climbers evacuated from Mount Rinjani (Source: VNA)

Jakarta (VNA) - At least 543 hikers and their guides have been evacuated from a mountain in a tourist destination of Lombok Island of central Indonesia after a strong quake cut off routes, local authorities said.

189 foreign hikers, 173 domestic climbers, 31 guides and 150 porters reached the base of the mountain on July 30 night, according to national disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

On July 31, three hikers, one guide and two porters who are stranded in Lake Segara Anak of West Nusa Tenggara province, together with the body of a climber will be evacuated by helicopter.

Local authorities estimated that about 560 people are stranded in Mount RInjani after a   6.4-magnitude quake, with an epicenter not far from the base of Mount Rinjani volcano, struck on July 29.

The tourists are from countries including China, the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Malaysia, Thailand, Germany, Singapore, Australia, Japan and the Republic of Korea.

The quake also left 16 people dead, 355 others injured, and forced 5,141 to flee home as the jolts have destroyed over 1,000 buildings.

Relief activities are underway in temporary shelters with necessities sent such as tents, blankets, 1.5 tonnes of rice, 250 instant noodles, water and biscuits.

Mount Rinjani volcano, a popular tourist destination, draws hundreds of thousands of climbers every year, according to the government data.

Indonesia is prone to quake as it lies on vulnerable quake-affected area called the Pacific Ring of Fire. In 2004, a 9.3-magnitude quake followed by tsunami off Sumatra island in western Indonesia claimed 220,000 lives in Pacific countries, including 168,000 Indonesians.-VNA  

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