Indonesia, Singapore intensify maritime border patrols

Indonesia and Singapore have concurred to intensify maritime border patrols to control and prevent smuggling and piracy amid rising crimes along their maritime border.
Indonesia, Singapore intensify maritime border patrols ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: Antara)

Jakarta (VNA) – Indonesia and Singapore have concurred to intensify maritime border patrols to control and prevent smuggling and piracy amid rising crimes along their maritime border.

The agreement was reached by Indonesia's Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE) and the Singapore Police Coast Guard (SPCG) during the Rendezvous at Sea meeting held in the Singapore Strait on September 28, Head of Batam Customs Enforcement and Investigation Sisprian Subiaksono said in a statement.

Synergy and collaboration between DGCE and SPCG are needed to maintain and supervise the waters of the Singapore Strait that is bustling with international maritime activities owing to its strategic location that connects two continents and two oceans, he said.

Both sides also discussed operational technicalities, including operational simulations and coordinated patrols for phase I and coordinated patrols for phase II, he said.

During the meeting, DGCE and SPCG also talked about exchanging information regarding lists of illegal goods from the two countries, sending watchlists from DGCE and SPCG, and coordination of patrol boats in the Horsburgh waters./. 


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