Indonesia: Thousands of Muslim gather against Jakarta’s governor

Tens of thousands of devout Muslims in Indonesia marched on November 4 to the Presidential Palace in Jakarta to demand the resignation of Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama
Indonesia: Thousands of Muslim gather against Jakarta’s governor ảnh 1Thousands of Muslims attend a protest against Jakarta's governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama for defaming the Koran in Jakarta, Indonesia (Photo: REUTERS)

Jakarta (VNA) – Tens of thousands of devout Muslims in Indonesia marched on November 4 to the Presidential Palace in Jakarta to demand the resignation of Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama for defaming the Koran in his election campaign in Pulau Seribu last month. 

The protestors led by a group called Islamic Defenders Front, also called for the arrest of the governor for insulting Islam. 

The atmosphere in Jakarta was tense. Some companies asked employees to work at home while access to business districts was restricted and foreign embassies issued cautions. Trucks carrying rifle-equipped soldiers and polices were on patrol while other forces guarded shopping centres. 

About 18,000 security officers are expected to be deployed at the capital city, said police. 

Indonesia’ s agencies on November 3 forecasted that over 100,000 people would gather in a big demonstration on November 4 to ask government to take legal actions against Purnama, although the governor has publicly apologised for his remarks. 

Purnama is a Christian and the first person of Chinese origin serving as the city governor.-VNA


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