Jakarta (VNA) – Indonesia’s NationalPolice (Polri) is planning to gradually move 30,878 personnel to the newcapital city (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan province, according to National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
The transfer of Polri personnel will be carriedout in four stages, he added.
In the first stage, Polri will relocate 1,667personnel to IKN, then 9,484 personnel, followed by 9,685 personnel for thethird stage, and lastly, 9,678 personnel for the fourth stage, he said at thegroundbreaking for the construction of the Nusantara Special Resort Policestation on December 21.
Accordingto Listyo, the construction of the National Police Headquarters in Nusantara isslated to commence next year. In addition, the Ministry of Public Works and Housingis constructing four buildings with a total of 1,680 apartments, designated forpolice personnel. This project is expected to be completed in November 2024.
Frommid-2022, Indonesia has started building the new capital which is 2,000kmnortheast of Jakarta. Nusantara is designed as a green city, of which forestsaccount for 65% of the area and is the first carbon neutral city in thecountry. The new capital is said to have world-class educational and medicalfacilities./.