Mount Semeru inLumajang district of Indonesia's East Java province erupted on December 4.
The country'sgeological agency said rain is expected in the next three days that couldfurther hinder rescue work.
As many as 1,300people have taken shelters to evacuation centers, the spokesman said, addingthat health protocols would be applied at the centers.
Some 20,000 face masks have beensent to the evacuation centers, not only to prevent corona viruses fromspreading but also to avert respiratory problems, he said.
The official said the Indonesian government would provide aid in cash of500,000 rupiahs (about 34.7 USD) per month for one family within the next sixmonths for renting houses, while the government would look for new locations tobuild houses for those affected by the disaster.
Logistics aids for the affected people have been distributedto the evacuation centers, Muhari said.
The Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center'sHead Andiani said the eruption on December 4 released hot clouds by up to 11 kmfrom the crater, and on December 5 the volcano also spewed hot clouds twice.
Volcanic ashes along with heavy downpourshave become thick mud which submerged houses, roads and other infrastructurefacilities in Lumajang district./.