Hanoi (VNA) – A woman who was accused of having links with a bombing plotof the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) at the Indonesian presidential palacein Jakarta was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison, her lawyer saidon August 28.
Thedefendant, Dian Yulia Novi, 28, has been proven guilty of violating theanti-terrorism law. The verdict was handed down by the East Jakarta DistrictCourt, stating her actions contradicted with the Indonesian Government’sefforts to eradicate terrorism.
Noviwas arrested in a rented house with a 3kg bomb in December 2016, just one daybefore the planned bombing.
Thiswas the first time a woman has been accused of involving in a suicide bombing attemptin Indonesia. Judges delivered the verdict earlier than expected, as Novi isnine months pregnant and she would not appeal.
Noviand her husband were among five people arrested for suspected links with lastyear’s attack plot.
Anotherwoman named Tutin Sugiarti, alleged as the person who encouraged Novi to becomea suicide bomber, was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. Policebelieved that the group had close connection with Bahrun Naim, an Indonesianinsurgent group which fights along IS in Syria.
Indonesianauthorities are worried about increasing activities of insurgents in thecountry, especially the return of 500 Indonesians who support IS in Syria.-VNA