Industrial production continues positive growth pace

Vietnam's index of industrial production (IIP) is continuing its positive growth pace in July, with an increase of 0.7% over June and 11.2% compared to the same period last year.

According to the General Statistics Office, the IIP in the first seven months of this year soared 8.5% year-on-year.

Of which, the manufacturing and processing sector increased by 9.5%. Electricity production and distribution was up by 12.4% and water supply, waste and wastewater management and treatment activities up by 7.2%.

Sectors that recorded a significant IIP rise were rubber and plastic, furniture, chemical and chemical products, metal production and electronic products, computers and optical products.

Those which posted a decline in IIP were crude oil and natural gas exploitation, repair, maintenance and installation of machinery and equipment, and coal mining.

Despite these positive figures seen in the first seven months, Vietnam’s industry still faces many challenges in the short and long term.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has focused on assisting enterprises, that operate in processing and manufacturing and supporting industries, with applying and transferring technology and fostering work force training./.