Int'l cooperation key to curbing human trafficking

International cooperation key to curbing human trafficking

The UK Embassy in Vietnam and the UN Action for Cooperation Against Trafficking in Persons organised a conference on human trafficking and modern slavery in the central city of Da Nang on March 29.
International cooperation key to curbing human trafficking ảnh 1Scene at the conference (Photo: Facebook UKinVietnam)

Da Nang (VNA)
– The UK Embassy inVietnam and the UN Action for Cooperation Against Trafficking in Personsorganised a conference on human trafficking and modern slavery in the centralcity of Da Nang on March 29.

The event gathered the participation ofnearly 100 representatives from State agencies, international organisations,non-governmental groups and diplomatic missions.

Addressing the conference, UK Home OfficeSenior Officer Responsible for Vietnam Dave Pennant said the UK Embassy inVietnam has been closely collaborating with the local ministries of PublicSecurity and Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs in combating human traffickingand helping victims re-integrate into society.

Pennant praised efforts made by all sidesinvolved, stressing that the UK Government wants to work with the VietnameseGovernment and international organisations to eradicate the crime.

Major Pham Mai Hien from the Ministry ofPublic Security reported that Vietnam discovered over 2,000 human traffickingcases involving 3,200 traffickers, and nearly 4,000 victims between 2011 andnow.

He said the unbalanced sex ratio and labourshortage in countries that share borderlines with Vietnam are among causes ofthe issue.

Talking about Vietnam’s effort in fightingthe crime, he noted that the country has ratified the United Nations’Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and Protocol to Prevent,Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, as well as taken part in the ASEANaction plan and convention on human trafficking prevention.

Vietnam has also implemented severalcommunications campaigns to raise public awareness on the matter and set up ahotline on human trafficking, Hien added.

Established in 2014, the UN Action forCooperation Against Trafficking in Persons aims to ensure a coordinatedapproach to more strategically and effectively combat trafficking in persons inthe Greater Mekong Sub-region and beyond.-VNA    

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