Hanoi (VNA) – An international conference onadvanced technologies for communications (ATC 2019) was opened in Hanoi onOctober 17, providing a platform for Vietnamese and foreign scientists to shareinformation on relevant fields.
The three-day event, held by the Radio andElectronics Association of Vietnam, the New York-based IEEE CommunicationsSociety and the Hanoi-based University of Transport and Communications,attracts more than 200 delegates from 26 countries, including those fromVietnamese ministries, sectors, universities and research institutes, alongwith domestic and foreign businesses.
Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Information andCommunications Pham Hong Hai said telecommunication and communication technologiesplay a crucial role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Meanwhile, smartcities and e-government are among the targets Vietnam is aiming at.
Therefore, to soon become a digital country,Vietnam needs to share and learn ideas and experience from internationalexperts and scientists, especially in advanced telecom and IT technologies, henoted.
About 70 speeches will be delivered during theATC 2019, focusing on the 5G network and its application, smart transportsystems, integrated networks, electronics, antenna and transmission, signalprocessing, and microwave engineering.
Organisers said they have received 125 reportsfrom over 420 speakers of 26 countries. Most of them are in-depth studies withmany discoveries and new tests about the most advanced telecom and ITtechnologies.
The conference is also a chance for scientistsand businesses to introduce their research findings and transfer technologies.
The latest technologies of many tech groups likeVNPT, Keysight Technologies, Rohde & Schwarz, Alongis Corporation, andSavis Technology Group, are also being showcased at the event./.