Int’l fashion fair opens in Hanoi

Nearly 100 domestic and foreign businesses are showcasing their products at the 2009 Vietnam International Fashion Fair (VIFF 2009), which opened in Hanoi on November 18.
Nearly 100 domestic and foreign businesses are showcasing their products at the 2009 Vietnam International Fashion Fair (VIFF 2009), which opened in Hanoi on November 18.

On display at almost 300 pavilions are a wide range of consumer products, including garments, footwear, bags and cosmetics.

As an activity in response to the “Vietnamese people use Vietnamese goods” campaign, the fair aims to promote Vietnamese trademarks and boost the consumption of Vietnamese products.

VIFF 2009 is also an activity to mark Vietnam’s admission into the Asian Fashion Federation, helping affirm the position of its fashion industry in the region.

Many fashion shows will also be held during the fair, which is jointly held by the Vietnam Garment and Textile Group (Vinatex), the Vietnam Textile & Apparel Association (Vitas), the Vietnam Leather & Footwear Association (Lefaso) and the Vietnam Advertisement & Fair Exhibition Company (Vietfair)./.

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