Int’l odonto-stomatology conference opens in Hanoi

More than 1,000 delegates both at home and abroad gathered in Hanoi on Nov. 25 for an international odonto-stomatology conference.
More than 1,000 delegates both at home and abroad gathered in Hanoi on Nov. 25 for an international odonto-stomatology conference.

Dentists and other experts, including those from the US, Germany, Japan, France, the Republic of Korea, China, Singapore, Thailand, India, New Zealand and the host country Vietnam, presented 30 scientific reports covering a range of issues in the field, including prevention of dental diseases, implants, maxillo-facial orthopaedics and aesthetic surgery.

The participants also discussed ways of boosting cooperation in the training of dentists for Vietnam and other developing countries.

On the sidelines of the conference, a dentistry expo kicked off, drawing the participation of 40 well-known companies from around the world.

Exhibits include products as well as advanced equipment and tools used in dental treatment./.

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