Investors still concerned about wind power development

Vietnam may not be meeting its development potential to exploit wind power to provide energy to the country.
Investors still concerned about wind power development ảnh 1Some wind power projects have been built in the central province of Ninh Thuan.(Photo:VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - Vietnam may not be meeting its development potential toexploit wind power to provide energy to the country.

Areport has been released by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) outliningthe current power produced nationwide through wind farms.

Itsaid the country is falling short, and could generate much more power to helpfuel the nation in a safer, more environmentally friendly manner.

Thereport revealed that as of March this year, an additional 78 wind powerprojects capable of producing 4,880 megawatts have been added to the PowerDevelopment Plan.

Elevenare currently operational and a further 31 are waiting to be finished andshould be up and running either this year or next.

Thereport also stated another 250 wind power projects are currently at theproposal stage.

Butdespite these projects having a capability of generating 45,000MW each year,they are not proving attractive for potential investors.

Chairmanof the Binh Thuan Wind Power Association Bui Van Thinh told Vietnam NewsAgency that even though these projects could help power the country, completingthem is not so simple – especially off-shore farms.

Hesaid: “Handing over the surface of the sea to the investors faces manyprocedures as it relates to not only the normal land lease but also thenational defence and security. There is a lack of policies to develop offshorewind power.”

Investorsare concerned some of the projects may not meet the 18 month deadline set bythe Government in order to attract a decent price per kWh.

Ifthat deadline is met, and wind farms are up and running in time, they couldcharge as much as 1,770 VND (7.8 US cents) per kWh over the next 20 years.

Thinhbelieved this is not enough time to get approval, build and begin producingenergy in time for investors to take bait.

Hehopes the Government will consider extending the deadline and supportbusinesses willing to take a chance with future investments.

Thinhsaid because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the timeframe must be reconsidered, asmany investment firms are reconsidering their positions due to the virus. 

Agreeingwith Thinh, Le Anh Tung of Ecotech Company, said: “Wind power firms facing withdifficulties to meet the deadline because foreign manufacturers stoppedproduction and delayed delivery of equipment. An extension of thedeadline is necessary for businesses.”

Windfarm development is important not just for environmental reasons, but alsobecause draughts nationwide have reduced reservoir capacities, putting strainon hydropower plants.

TheMoIT is concerned that there will be a shortage of electricity in the next fiveyears, particularly in the south of the country, even if oil-powered sourcesrun at maximum capacity.

Ithas also backed calls to extend the deadline for completion of projects to 2023./.

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