Italian, US fireworks to amaze spectators at second night of DIFF 2024

The second competition night of the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF) 2024 on June 15 is expected to wow spectators with surprising performances of the highly experienced Italian and US teams.

The Italian team prepares for their display at DIFF 2024.
The Italian team prepares for their display at DIFF 2024.

Hanoi (VNA) – The second competition night of the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF) 2024 on June 15 is expected to wow spectators with surprising performances of the highly experienced Italian and US teams.

Competition between two fireworks veterans

The Martarello fireworks company of Italy, the runner-up of the DIFF 2023, was established in 1921 and quickly became one of the largest fireworks producers in the world.

Its rival, Rozzi Fireworks from the US, has been constantly one of the leading fireworks display companies for the last 125 years. It has produced and organised more than 300 shows from Cincinnati to every corner of the world.

Nadia Shakira Wong, Director of Global 2000 – the consulting firm for DIFF 2024, said the teams from Italy and the US are arranged to face each other at the second competition because both are experienced in displaying fireworks for four - five generations, nearly 130 years, which means they possess over-a-hundred-year experience in the fireworks industry.

She said she believes that the two teams sharing similar histories and an equal capacity level could create a breathtaking match.

The Italian team gained a painful lesson at last year’s DIFF, when a heavy rain ruined many of their fireworks.

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The US team will show the strength of femininity at DIFF 2024.

Meanwhile, this is the first time the US team has come to the festival. After watching the opening competition between Vietnam and France – the former champion, the team said they need to show a better performance.

Wong noted each team wants to fare better than the other, and spectators could expect a strong fireworks competition this Saturday.

About the US team, she described them as a team of femininity which has never been recorded at a DIFF, so it’s now time to show the strength of women.

One team determined, the other pledges utmost efforts

Returning to Da Nang city after missing the trophy at DIFF 2023, Italy demonstrated huge determination to win.

Damiano Baraldo, head of the Martarello team, shared that they come here to make all-out dedications because they want to advance to the final to face the strongest team. Last year, their team reached the final but lost to a better-performing France. But this year, they return with more energy, wishing to once again advance to the final and win.

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The US team is quickly preparing for the second competition night at DIFF 2024.

Unlike Italy, Rozzi Fireworks from the US participates in DIFF 2024 not for the purpose of victory. Nancy Rozzi, a representative of the team, said they have never watched any performances by the Italian team or known what their rival will display.

Instead of victory, Rozzi Fireworks only thinks about how to ensure the most beautiful possible fireworks display. They will try their best to bring to spectators a worthy visually entertaining show, Nancy added.

Italy to create a shock, US promises complicated display

The team of Italy said DIFF 2024 will be a stage of new products that have never been used before.

They tried to seek the best quality products to guarantee wonderful effects. They even prepared products with extremely high quality as they want to create a shock for spectators, said head of the Martarello team Damiano Baraldo.

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The Italian team brings to DIFF 2024 new products that have never been used before.

As the festival’s second competition is themed “Made of Nature Wisdom”, Italy will reflect both day and night colours of the nature through the combination of fireworks and music.

Meanwhile, the US team hopes to create a beautiful and also complicated display to send out a message of unity as the theme of DIFF 2024, “Made in Unity”, goes.

Nancy Rozzi, head of the Rozzi Fireworks team, said music is an experience full of emotions. Therefore, accompanied by music, their fireworks will tell a story about how the world is complicated and the hope that people around the world could be in harmony with one another. By creating a visually complicated show, they hope spectators can feel or be satisfied with it.

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The US team will create an extremely complicated light show at DIFF 2024.

A large number of special effects will be used at the second competition night, she went on, adding that looking at the water surface, spectators could see truly novel things.

New and surprising things are awaiting spectators at the second competition night of DIFF 2024 in the city on the banks of the Han River, apart from a wide range of interesting shows and festivals at famous local destinations such as Ba Na Hills, Da Nang Downtown, and My Khe beach throughout summer.

The second competition night of DIFF 2024 will be broadcast live at 8pm on June 15 by the Da Nang Radio and Television Station and 19 stations of other localities.

After that, Germany and Poland will compete on June 22 and China and Finland on June 29. The final is slated for July 13./.


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