Japan-funded bridge in Cambodia becomes operational

Cambodia inaugurated the Japanese-funded 2,215-metre "Tsubasa" bridge spanning the Mekong River on April 6, linking southern Kandal and Prey Veng provinces.
Cambodia inaugurated the Japanese-funded 2,215-metre "Tsubasa" bridge spanning the Mekong River on April 6, linking southern Kandal and Prey Veng provinces.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen valued the assistance of the Japanese Government to his country’s socio-economic development projects, especially those in transportation infrastructure.

He said that the bridge, a symbol of the Cambodia-Japan cooperation, will contribute to promoting Cambodia’s economic growth and facilitate trade, industry, agriculture and tourism.

Constructed with 127 million USD, the suspension bridge is the longest in Cambodia. It not only benefits those living along the river bank, but also connects Cambodia’s traffic network with the region.

Japan is now one of the leading providers of aid to Cambodia. In recent years, Japan has supported the Southeast Asian nation to develop its transportation infrastructure, healthcare, education and human resources training.

Late last month, Japan approved the provision of aid and low-interest rate loans worth a total of 230 million USD for Cambodia to implement traffic management, electricity and healthcare projects.-VNA

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