Japan to host next year APEC summit

Japan will host an Asia Pacific summit meeting on Nov. 13-14 next year in Yokohama, the Japanese government has said.
Japan will host an Asia Pacific summit meeting on Nov. 13-14 next year in Yokohama, the Japanese government has said.

The summit will follow a ministerial meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum scheduled to be held in the city on Nov. 10 and 11, reports the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

The announcement came as APEC trade ministers gather for their two-day meeting beginning on July 21 in Singapore, the current chair of the 21-member body.

Japan plans to commence its APEC presidency with an APEC conference in Tokyo on Dec. 9 and 10 this year, according to the ministry.

In addition, Japan will host an agricultural ministers meeting for the first time in APEC's 20-year history. It is scheduled for Oct. 16 and 17 next year in the Niigata prefecture, one of the country's largest rice producing regions./.

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