An official of the Japanese Ministry ofForeign Affairs said the visit to Vietnam aims to strengthen cooperationbetween the two countries at regional and international levels, as well asbilateral economic relations, including the reception of foreign workers to Japan.
The visit is also designed to affirmJapan’s cooperation with Vietnam to maintain and enhance a free and openIndo-Pacific.
While staying in Vietnam on January 5-7,Motegi will pay floral tributes at the Monument for Martyrs and the PresidentHo Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi.
He is scheduled to meet with Deputy PrimeMinister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh, and witness a signingceremony on providing official development assistance (ODA) for Vietnam.
In addition, the Japanese official willmeet with Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh and join a dinner withrepresentatives of Japanese firms.
According to Japan’s Ministry of ForeignAffairs, Japan and Vietnam will bolster cooperation at regional andinternational arenas on the basis of the extensive strategic partnership.
Motegi will leave for Thailand on January7, before travelling to the Philippines and Indonesia. He is to deliver aspeech at the ASEAN Secretariat in Indonesia on January 10./.