The money will be mainly sourced from the Statebudget as part of a plan promulgated by the provincial People’s Committee toimplement the national target programme on building new-style rural areasbetween 2017 and 2020.
The locality strives to have nearly 62 percentof communes meeting the programme’s criteria by 2020.
It aims to ensure the development harmonybetween rural and urban areas by developing new residential areas and upgradingthe existing ones.
Local authorities prioritise investments intransport infrastructure, irrigation network, medical stations, and schools for20 communes in the mountainous districts of Khanh Son and Khanh Vinh.
Such fundamental criteria as roads, electricity,and rural markets will receive attention as well.
The province will also focus on developingproduction and agricultural restructuring as well as shifting rural economicstructure to improve local income.
At the end of 2016, Khanh Hoa has 28 out of the94 communes recognised as new-style rural areas.-VNA