Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago

With Khe Sanh victory on July 9, 1968, Huong Hoa district in Quang Tri province became the first district in the south to be liberated.
Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago ảnh 1Prior to the General Offensive and Uprising in Spring 1968, the US imperialists built Road No 9 through Khe Sanh in central Quang Tri province, as a special strategic position (Photo: VNA)
Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago ảnh 2Khe Sanh became the region which gathered the largest number of US soldiers and weaponry, aimed at suppressing the assistance from the north to the south of Vietnam (Photo: VNA)
Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago ảnh 3(Photo: VNA)
Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago ảnh 4As for the Armed Forces for the Liberation of South Vietnam, this area served as a bridge connecting the northern great rear with the southern great front line. As for the U.S. forces, this was the strategic defence line to counter all offensives launched by the North Vietnamese Army (Photo: VNA)
Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago ảnh 5During 170 days of fierce fighting at Khe Sanh, the Vietnamese armed forces and people had put out of action 11,900 enemies, shot down 480 aircraft of different kinds, destroyed 120 military vehicles and hundreds of artillery, and seized a substantial amount of weapons (Photo: VNA)
Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago ảnh 6(Photo: VNA)
Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago ảnh 7The triumph demonstrated a mix of strategic and accurate decision-making, appropriate selection of combat zones, and excellent implementation of diversionary tactics by the Vietnamese army (Photo: VNA)
Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago ảnh 8(Photo: VNA)
Khe Sanh victory 51 years ago ảnh 9US aircraft wrecks (Photo: VNA)

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