Lai Chau focuses on tapping into community tourism

Developing tourism with a special focus on community-based products is one of the new economic development trends for many localities, including the northern mountainous province of Lai Chau.

Developing tourism with a special focus on community-based products is one of the new economic development trends for many localities, including the northern mountainous province of Lai Chau. Implementing the province’s master plan on tourism development during 2016-2020, Lai Chau has so far focused on boosting community-based tourism at local ethnic minority villages. This has not only helped preserve the cultural values of local ethnic groups, but also improved their living conditions.

About 40km from Lai Chau city, Si Thau Chai village in Ho Thau commune, Tam Duong district, is home to 62 households of Dao ethnic minority people.

The cool weather all year round and primitive landscape in parallel with time-honoured cultural values preserved by local people has helped turn Si Thau Thai into a charming community-based tourism destination. The model has also helped local households improve their living standards.

Si Thau Chai is only one the many tourism villages that have been receiving investment from local authorities. This demonstrates local authorities’ determination to implement the master plan on tourism development during 2016-2020 period, with a key task being upholding its strengths – which is the cultural identity of ethnic groups.

In light of the master plan on developing tourism, Lai Chau city has also been propelling its community-based tourism model. Notably, the city has paid special heed to Gia Khau village.

Arriving at Gia Khau village in Nam Loong commune, visitors can not only gain insight into some of the traditional cultural values of Mong ethnic people, but also contemplate some of the natural masterpieces, including the Gia Khau caves.

With its potential and strength in developing tourism, Lai Chau has set the target of turning tourism into a spearhead economic sector by 2020. Motivated by local authorities’ determination, Lai Chau’s tourism segment are ready to thrive to become an attractive destination for the northeastern region. –VNA