Lai Chau, where cultures converge

Lai Chau is a Northwestern mountainous province of Vietnam where 20 ethnic groups live, including 4 groups with populations of less than 10,000 people. Each has maintained its own unique cultural identity over the passing years. Today, let’s explore Lai Châu - a place of diverse cultures amid the Northwest mountains.

Located about 20km from the centre of Lai Chau city, Ban Hon commune in Tam Duong district is a charming spot boasting terraced rice fields and is the home of the Lu ethnic group.

One of the distinctive traditions of the Lu is their handmade brocade outfits, skilfully crafted by local women. Most families have looms for weaving fabric, and all Lu women become proficient in embroidery and weaving before marrying, to make clothes for everyone in the family.

Villages of the Lu ethnic group have become tourist magnets in Lai Chau province.

Vietnam’s Northwest region is home to thousands of water wheels along streams, but perhaps the most beautiful are found in Na Khuong village in Ban Bo commune, Tam Duong district, in Lai Chau province. Since the rice fields here are located higher than Nam Mu Stream, the local Thai ethnic people have built 35 water wheels to draw water from the stream to irrigate their land, creating a captivating scene.

With diverse cultures from 20 ethnic groups, Lai Chau boasts huge potential for the development of community-based tourism./.