Lao media praises Vietnam-Laos great friendship

Pasaxon newspaper, the official mouthpiece of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, on September 5 ran an article about the cooperative relationship between Laos and Vietnam.

Pasaxon newspaper, the official mouthpiece of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, on September 5 runs an article about the cooperative relationship between Laos and Vietnam. (Photo: Pasaxon newspaper)
Pasaxon newspaper, the official mouthpiece of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, on September 5 runs an article about the cooperative relationship between Laos and Vietnam. (Photo: Pasaxon newspaper)

Vientiane (VNA) - Pasaxon newspaper, the official mouthpiece of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, on September 5 ran an article about the cooperative relationship between Laos and Vietnam.

The article affirmed that as the two close neighbours sharing mountains and rivers, the relationship between Vietnam and Laos has been established and forged during thousands of years of national construction and defence. Their people have always stood side by side and shared both joys and hardships to develop the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation.

The great friendship between Laos and Vietnam has become a precious asset, a source of strength, and the most crucial factor in ensuring the success of each country’s revolution. Today, the people of both nations, especially the younger generations, must protect, nurture, inherit and preserve this great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation.

According to the article, in the face of rapid and complex changes in the global and regional situation, the faithful and pure relationship between Vietnam and Laos, which was founded by President Ho Chi Minh - the great leader of Vietnam and Laos' Presidents Kaysone Phomvihane and Souphanouvong, and nurtured by successive generations of Party and State leaders and people of the two countries, must be continuously maintained and developed.

Based on the spirit of independence, self-reliance, equal cooperation, and mutual benefit, in line with the special nature of the Laos-Vietnam relationship and international practices, both sides must prioritise supporting and create conditions for each other to together develop for the prosperity of each country, as well as for peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.

The article emphasised that in this spirit, in recent years, with the greatest efforts and highest determination of the two countries' Party and State leaders and people, the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam have continuously developed deeply and effectively across various fields, including politics-diplomacy, defence-security, economy-trade-investment, education-training, locality-to-locality cooperation, and mutual support in international and regional arenas.

Despite the ongoing rapid, complex, and unpredictable global and regional developments under the leadership of the two Parties and the governance of both governments, the two countries have always coordinated in realizing commitments, agreements and cooperation plans, achieving practical results in various fields.

They have maintained a consistent foreign policy of preserving, nurturing and developing the Laos-Vietnam friendship, vividly reflecting the special relationship between the two countries, it said./.


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