Lao newspaper hails diplomatic ties of Vietnam, Laos

Pasaxon, the official newspaper of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, on September 27 published an article highlighting the significance of the establishment of Vietnam-Laos diplomatic ties, saying that it is a victory for the revolutionary forces of the two Parties and countries.
Lao newspaper hails diplomatic ties of Vietnam, Laos ảnh 1A music show celebrates the 60th anniversary of Vietnam-Laos diplomatic ties. (Photo: VNA)

Vientiane (VNA) – Pasaxon, the official newspaper of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, on September 27 published an article highlighting the significance of the establishment of Vietnam-Laos diplomatic ties, saying that it is a victory for the revolutionary forces of the two Parties and countries.

The article said the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties holds an historic significance in Laos-Vietnam, Vietnam-Laos friendship and special solidarity, contributing to building mutual understanding and lifting their close-knit ties to a new height, as well as helping the two countries deal with new difficulties and challenges due to the US’s intervention in Indochina.

The move also manifests the sound policy on the strategic relationship between the two Parties and peoples so that they could fly the flags of national independence and socialism set forth by the Indochinese Communist Party, it said, adding that it also marks a milestone in the official State relationship between the two countries in accordance with legal order. 

The establishment of Vietnam-Laos diplomatic ties lays a solid legal foundation for the two armies and peoples to continue fighting side by side to gain new victories in the struggle against the US imperialists and reclaim national independence for each country.

According to the article, it is a diplomatic victory by revolutionary forces of the two Parties and nations.

Over the past six decades, the fighting solidarity and friendship between the two peoples have been growing fruitfully. Since Vietnam regained national independence in April 1975 and Laos built a new regime in December 1975, their great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive partnership have kept thriving./. 


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