Laos proposes trade-culture-tourism centre project in Can Tho

Laos is keen on establishing a Laos-Vietnam Trade, Culture and Tourism Centre in Can Tho, said Lao Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Phimpha Keomixay during a meeting with leading officials of the Mekong Delta city on November 10.
Laos proposes trade-culture-tourism centre project in Can Tho ảnh 1An overview of the meeting (Photo: VNA)
Can Tho (VNA) – Laos is keen on establishing a Laos-Vietnam Trade, Culture and Tourism Centre in Can Tho, said Lao Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Phimpha Keomixay during a meeting with leading officials of the Mekong Delta city on November 10.

She said that the project, designed to cover at least 1 hectare, will use 100% capital from Laos or a Vietnamese - Lao joint venture.

Once put into operation, the centre will become a venue for meetings of senior leaders of Vietnam and Laos as well as ASEAN members and other countries in the world when they visit the Mekong Delta region and Can Tho in particular, the diplomat said.

She added that Laos will provide a similar area in Xiengkhuoang province for Can Tho to build a trade centre serving cultural and economic exchanges among Vietnamese and Lao localities.

Nguyen Thuc Hien, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Can Tho, showed his support to the project, the first of its kind in Vietnam and the first Lao-funded one in Can Tho. It can be a model project in the Vietnam-Laos cooperation in general and Can Tho-Laos partnership in particular, he added.

Hien directed relevant departments and agencies to support the Lao side in implementing necessary procedures for the project in line with the city’s planning towards 2050, including the city’s land use plan.

According to the Can Tho Department of Foreign Affairs, in the first nine months of this year, the city exported 96,430 USD worth of goods to Laos, mostly aquatic products and medicine.

Can Tho is also implementing many official and student exchange programmes with Laos, while considering the opening of a Can Tho-Vientiane air route to promote tourism between the two countries. The city and Laos have also agreed to further strengthen cooperation in rice and aquaculture production, according to the department./.

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