Law on thrift practice featured in NA’s discussion

The draft revised Law on Thrift Practice and Anti-wastefulness swept the agenda at the November 4 morning sitting of the ongoing National Assembly (NA) session in Hanoi.
The draft revised Law on Thrift Practice and Anti-wastefulness swept the agenda at the November 4 morning sitting of the ongoing National Assembly (NA) session in Hanoi.

The NA Standing Committee released a report on how it processed public feedback on the draft amendments to the law.

Deputies talked about the approval and allocation of the State budget estimates, transparency in the use of assets and resources in production and training, thrift practice in science-technology, education-training, healthcare, labour and responsibilities that the Government, ministries and departments should hold in the effort.

In the afternoon, lawmakers discussed in groups the amendments and supplements to Resolution No. 38/2004/QH11 dated December 3, 2004 on the construction of the Ho Chi Minh road and the amended Law on Customs.

On November 5, they will mull over the draft revised 1992 Constitution and a draft Resolution on enforcing the 1992 Constitution amendments. The debate will be broadcast live on national TV and radio.

The NA began its sixth session in the tenure on October 21, focusing once again on the country’s hugely important socio-economic development decisions.

The sixth session is of great importance as it is the mid-term meeting of the 13th NA.

The meeting, to last 40 days, will define the work needed to be done next year and the remainder of the five-year (2011-2015) development plan.

The NA will continue debating and finalising draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution, and the draft revised law on land, meeting the aspirations of citizens and the requirements of national socio-economic development.

The legislature will ratify the Government’s proposed personnel, elect positions for some NA agencies and decide other issues.-VNA

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