Liem aims for top ranking in chess

Top Vietnamese chess player Le Quang Liem aims to be among the top three players in the men's standard event at the 2015 Asian Continental Chess Championships.
 Liem aims for top ranking in chess ảnh 1Top Vietnamese chess player Le Quang Liem (Photo: Thethaovanhoa)

Top Vietnamese chess player Le Quang Liem aims to be among the top three players in the men's standard event at the 2015 Asian Continental Chess Championships. 

The tournament will begin in the United Arab Emirates on August 2. 

"The event is likely to be very tough for me because it attracts strong rivals from China and India . However, I will try my best to rank among the top three in the standard event. My best result in the Asian event was to reach the top five," Liem said. 

Besides world No 46 Liem, Vietnam is also sending other players such as Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son, Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy, Nguyen Duc Hoa and Nguyen Thi Mai Hung to the event, which will end on August 13. They will take part in the rapid, blitz and standard events. 

The tournament's top five male players and top female winner will qualify for the 2015 World Cup in Bacu, Azerbaijan, which will be held from September 10 to October 4.-VNA

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