Living sustainably – a new green trend

Ho Chi Minh City is a pioneer in sustainable protection of the environment. Here, local residents have strictly followed rules by classifying hard waste.

Ho Chi Minh City is a pioneer in sustainable protection of the environment. Here, local residents have strictly followed rules by classifying hard waste. This act of living sustainably is becoming increasingly popular among Vietnamese and it all starts from small acts.

Le Van Tam green scenery in Ho Chi Minh City is filled with slogans on living sustainably. Local residents line up to exchange old household appliances or plastic waste for small trees and everyone seems immensely enthusiastic.

By featuring green projects geared toward the community and environmentally friendly technology, the event has drawn thousands of visitors. At the event, young people can also learn more about living sustainably and promote a greener and healthier lifestyle.

Living sustainably is proving to be extremely meaningful to the community as the quality of life is heightened and Ho Chi Minh City is on the way to developing more sustainably.-VNA