Malaysia launches first court to handle children sexual abuse crimes

Malaysia on June 22 launched a special criminal court which will handle cases involving sexual crimes against children, which is located in the administrative capital of Putrajaya.
Malaysia launches first court to handle children sexual abuse crimes ảnh 1Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak (right) at the launch of a special court to deal with cases involving sexual crimes against children in Putrajaya. (Source:

Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – Malaysia on June 22 launched a special criminal court which will handle cases involving sexual crimes against children, which is located in the administrative capital of Putrajaya.|

Addressing the launching ceremony, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said the court is the first of its kind in Malaysia and Southeast Asia as well. The country will expand the special court gradually to all states nationwide, he added.

With experienced judges in child law, the court will hear cases from Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya involving underage victims.

The initiative was proposed by PM Najib during a conference on sexual abuse against children in March.

Statistics showed that between 2010-2015, nearly 5,780 cases of sexual abuse with victims being children were reported, with 963 cases each year averagely. Malaysian police said that in 2015-2016, the country recorded 2,759 rapes, 412 cases of incest, and over 1,400 sexual harassments targeting children under 18 years old.-VNA

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