The official was quoted by local media asciting data from the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) latest Energy TransitionIndex showing that Malaysia ranked a respectable 39th, with system performanceand transition readiness at 69% and 60%, respectively.
The index measures a country’s readiness totransition into an equitable, sustainable, and affordable energy future, and this proves that Malaysia is on the right track to transitionits energy, he said in his speech during the National Energy Awards (NEA)2022 Appreciation Ceremony on March 9.
He said that as Malaysia is developing andgrowing its economy, the country’s energy consumption will likewise expand tomeet the higher output and demands. This will be especially prevalent inindustries that are energy intensive like manufacturing, industrial works, andprocessing plants, he said.
On the NEA 2022 programme, Nik Nazmi saidNEA recognises the outstanding achievements and best practices of the public aswell as private sectors in driving the country’s sustainable energy agenda. Hesaid NEA is part of the Malaysian Government’s effort in promoting energyefficiency and renewable energy that has played a pivotal role in encouragingbusinesses and building owners to adopt sustainable energy practices.
The official said that the NEA has become aplatform to educate, promote and encourage the adoption of best sustainableenergy practices in offices, factories, buildings and financial institutions,in support of Malaysia’s 2050 climate aspiration.
The winners then represented Malaysia atthe ASEAN Energy Awards (AEA), in which 12 companies received accolades invarious categories, he added./.