Malaysian King approves appointment of new Attorney-General

Malaysia's King, Sultan Muhammad V, has given his consent to the appointment of Tommy Thomas, a non-Muslim figure, as the new Attorney-General.

Kuala Lumpur (VNA)
- Malaysia's King, Sultan Muhammad V, has given his consent to the appointment of Tommy Thomas, a non-Muslim figure, as the new Attorney-General.

In a royal statement announced on June 5, the King called on all Malaysians to accept that the appointment and not let this matter create religious or racial conflict as every Malaysian should be fairly treated regardless of race and religion.

He also consented to Tan Sri Apandi Ali’s termination of service as Attorney-General by the federal government. Apandi Ali, who was requested to take a rest since Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad took office, was accused to hide evidence related to the 1MDB fund case.

Local media earlier reported that PM Mahathir Mohamad submitted his proposal to the King to nominate lawyer Tommy Thomas as Attorney-General to replace Tan Sri Apandi Ali.

Mahathir's nomination faced backlash among the Malay rulers, with the Prime Minister reportedly asked to consider other candidates. 

The issue also caused division among the Malaysian public as petitions - both objecting and supporting Thomas' nomination - have cropped up. 

In the statement, Sultan Muhammad V expressed his disappointment and worry about inaccurate and negative media reports which could threaten peace and harmony in the country.-VNA

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